点评:We took the Isle Royale Queen IV to Isle Royale National Park on a rainy, windy September morning. We were taking a day trip to the island so that required about 3 1/2 hour boat ride to the island and about the same amount of time for the return trip. Over 7 hours total was spent on this boat.
I knew that the better part of our day would be spent on this boat so I was very happy that the seats were cushioned, there were tables for some to sit on, and the boat ride was mainly inside. There was a bathroom available and also a snack bar. The only thing I ordered from the snack bar was a hot cup of tea. I am happy to report that the tea was hot! That cup of tea was better than many I have had on the land.
On this particular day, crossing Lake Superior was a rough ride. We even had 10 to 12 foot waves on the return trip. Many people on board were seasick. We were not sick at all and enjoyed the rocking ship almost like being on an amusement park ride only it lasted all day. For days afterward, the two of us talked about how much we enjoyed this ride.
People prone to motion sickness should probably reconsider taking this trip. At the very least, take some Dramamine with you although I am not sure that was enough for the ill passengers.
翻译:九月的一个多雨多风的早晨,我们乘坐 Isle Royale Queen IV 前往皇家岛国家公园。我们打算一日游,所以需要坐船 3 个半小时才能到达岛上,回程也需要同样的时间。我们在船上总共待了 7 个多小时。
在这一天,穿越苏必利尔湖的旅程很艰难。回程时,我们甚至遇到了 10 到 12 英尺高的海浪。船上的很多人都晕船了。我们一点都没有晕船,享受着摇晃的船,就像在游乐园里玩一样,只是这种感觉持续了一整天。之后的几天里,我们俩都在谈论我们有多喜欢这次旅程。