点评:Ok, it’s been 20+ years since my last in person NASCAR race, so I am not surprised that things are different…and of course everything is bigger and better in Texas so I should have expected that TMS might exceed my expectations…Texas Motor Speedway is absolutely amazing! Parking was a breeze and we were able to park well away from other vehicles (my husband’s thing) in the express lot. The concourse area is immense and includes plenty of rest room facilities, a generous array of food and beverage choices and lots of benches to take a break from the scorching Texas sun. Our bleacher seats were spacious and included backrests!!! and an area in front of your feet to place drinks. The amount of room we had in our seats was truly shocking. Big Hoss, the large LED screen in the backstretch was surprisingly bright even in all that sunshine and gave us a bird’s eye view of all the action and was especially great for seeing a replay of anything we missed. This was my husband’s first NASCAR race and the experience was so much fun he has already started talking about when we can go again (this is a man who watches golf on Sundays, not racing). Well done, Texas Motor Speedway! We will be back!
翻译:好吧,距离我上次亲眼观看 NASCAR 比赛已经过去 20 多年了,所以我并不惊讶事情发生了变化……当然,德克萨斯州的一切都更大更好,所以我应该预料到 TMS 可能会超出我的预期……德克萨斯赛车场绝对令人惊叹!停车很方便,我们能够将车停在远离其他车辆(我丈夫的车)的快速停车场。大厅区域非常大,包括大量卫生间设施、丰富的食品和饮料选择以及许多长椅,让您在炎热的德克萨斯阳光下休息。我们的露天看台座位很宽敞,包括靠背!!!脚下还有一个放饮料的区域。我们的座位空间之大真是令人震惊。老兄,后伸区的大 LED 屏幕即使在阳光下也出奇地明亮,让我们可以鸟瞰所有的动作,特别适合观看我们错过的任何内容的重播。这是我丈夫第一次参加 NASCAR 比赛,这次经历非常有趣,他已经开始谈论我们什么时候可以再去(他是一个周日看高尔夫球而不是赛车的人)。干得好,德克萨斯赛车场!我们会回来的!