点评:We had admission to the Fort, so we also stopped here (and the nearby Blacksmith).
In some ways the exhibits were a little dense/dry, and if you are not into this particular period of history it may not be as interesting to you, and my kids were a bit harder to engage, but I did find some things to be intrigued by that I looked up later. This was the house of the Biddles, an important family in the history of Mackinac (in particular Agatha Biddle, a woman of mixed indigenous and French descent). The house also has a Native American museum and so there are multiple exhibits about the history of the Natives in the area (which should not be forgotten) as well as the intersection of French, British, Native and American culture that occurred here.
I also found the stories of both Agatha Biddle and Magdelaine Framboise (another Native/French woman who was a prominent figure in Mackinac society, business and religious life) to be quite interesting.