点评:16 day Jaguar and Pantanal Safari.
We had a fantastic time!
We stayed for 4 nights in two lodges on the Transpantanal road on our way to Porto Joffre. A further 8 nights by the river at Porte Joffre and then at 2 lodges on the way back north. Each of the places we stayed had a different ecosystem and there was always plenty of new wildlife to see. Our guide, Tito, was excellent having lived in the Pantanal all his life. His knowledge of the wildlife and the environment was amazing and he always second guessed the best place to be for good views and photographic opportunities. Our high expectations were far exceeded as we got to know the jaguars and watched hundreds of species of new birds, saw giant anteaters (up close), giant river otters, capybaras and other mammals. We were lucky enough to see interesting behaviour, including 2 male jaguars hunting together, successful jaguar hunts and cubs.
The booking process went smoothly and all arrangements went to plan - we highly recommend Pantanal Safaris. We have many unforgettable memories, stories and friendships that made this a very special trip.
翻译:16 天美洲虎和潘塔纳尔野生动物园之旅。
在前往波尔图乔弗尔的途中,我们在 Transpantanal 路上的两家旅馆住了 4 晚。在波尔图乔弗尔的河边又住了 8 晚,然后在返回北方的途中在 2 家旅馆住了一晚。我们住过的每个地方都有不同的生态系统,而且总有大量新的野生动物可供观赏。我们的导游 Tito 非常出色,他一生都住在潘塔纳尔。他对野生动物和环境的了解令人惊叹,他总是能猜到哪里是最佳的观景地点和最佳的拍照地点。我们认识了美洲虎,观看了数百种新鸟类,看到了巨型食蚁兽(近距离)、巨型水獭、水豚和其他哺乳动物,这远远超出了我们的预期。我们很幸运地看到了有趣的行为,包括两只雄性美洲虎一起狩猎,美洲虎成功捕猎幼崽。
预订过程非常顺利,所有安排都按计划进行 - 我们强烈推荐 Pantanal Safaris。我们有很多难忘的回忆、故事和友谊,使这次旅行非常特别。