点评:This historic preservation of the Tampa Florida railroad resort that was billed later as "Florida's first Magic Kingdom." The museum highlights the architecture, the housing styles, the furniture, and all the activities that the guests enjoyed at this resort, the Tampa Bay Hotel. Even the lighting mimics the low light level from carbon filament bulbs. Many older venues are not wide enough to be wheelchair accessible, but the spacious rooms and architecture makes the venue accessible today.
The 14 minute video gives a perfect backdrop for the tour of boudoir, kitchen, living rooms, dining room, and other living areas with period clothing, Christmas trees and decor, photographs. Beautiful dresses, toys, ornaments, and the history of the first US Christmas tree.
The gift shop offers great vintage postcards among other period souvenirs.
The free parking spaces reserved for the museum fill up fast and I parked off campus and walked.
这段 14 分钟的视频为参观闺房、厨房、客厅、餐厅和其他生活区提供了完美的背景,里面有当时的服装、圣诞树和装饰、照片。漂亮的衣服、玩具、装饰品和第一棵美国圣诞树的历史。