点评:This is a wonderful trip with spectacular scenery on a train which could be, but isn't, luxury.
The problems and there are many..
1. The management on the train was very poor.
2. No information without begging for it. Arrival times, times for meals and delay information not forthcoming.
3. They tried the old trick of the credit card machine not working and demanding cash, which after some arguing magically came to life. That says the staff are rorting the system to me.
4. The toilets are a disgrace and were not cleaned for the whole trip.
5. What was, and what was not included in the price of the ticket was not clear and attempts to clarify this were fudged by the staff.
6. The heating system was a joke. Too hot one minute and too cold the next.
7. The staff were not properly briefed or trained to look after you. Some were very helpful and some treated you like sheep.
8. Afternoon tea was a joke.
9. The chairs must be 20 years old. Uncomfortable and dirty.
Overall we were not happy. What should have been a wonderful trip was ruined by shoddy organisation and attention to ensuring this trip lives up to its billing as a luxury trip.
Peru Rail. Pull your socks up and make this as good as it should be!!?
1. 火车上的管理很差。
2. 不请求信息就得不到。到达时间、用餐时间和延误信息都没有提供。
3. 他们尝试了信用卡机不工作并要求现金的老把戏,经过一番争论后,它神奇地活了过来。在我看来,这说明工作人员在欺骗系统。
4. 厕所太丢人了,整个旅程都没有打扫过。
5. 票价中包含和不包含的内容不清楚,工作人员试图澄清这一点,但被敷衍了事。
6. 供暖系统简直是笑话。一分钟太热,一分钟又太冷。
7. 工作人员没有得到适当的介绍或培训来照顾你。有些人非常乐于助人,有些人却把你当成绵羊。
8. 下午茶简直是笑话。
9. 椅子肯定有 20 年的历史了。既不舒服又脏。