点评:At $150-200 per person, the Pink Jeep Broken Arrow Tour in Sedona is extremely overpriced and overhyped. My boyfriend and I went on the twilight broken arrow tour. What they don't tell you is that they cram the jeeps completely full, and someone has to sit in the front, which is apparently more comfortable but much less thrilling. I was the lucky person put in this position because I was polite and let others go in front of us. The driver said we would rotate who would sit in front, which of course didn't happen, and I had to sit there the whole time missing what the people in the back were seeing.
The majority of our trip was spent driving to the trail, which wasn't all that exciting. The "thrilling" part was maybe 8 minutes total. I wasn't too impressed with the driver's comedy routine, either. We got out once to take some photos, and that was it. We got better photos from Uptown Sedona.
At the same price as a day pass to Universal or Disney, this is just a blatant rip-off. There are so many wonderful free or low-cost things to do in Sedona that are much higher quality. We really enjoyed Crane Petroglyph Heritage Site, Palatki Heritage Site, a birding tour with Tim of Birding Northern Arizona, and watching the sunset at Airport Mesa. These were all much, much better than the Pink Jeep Tours.
Not recommended unless you're absolutely obsessed with jeeps and have tons of money to burn.
翻译:塞多纳的粉色吉普断箭之旅每人收费 150-200 美元,价格过高,而且被过度炒作。我和男朋友参加了黄昏断箭之旅。他们没有告诉你的是,他们把吉普车塞得满满的,必须有人坐在前面,这显然更舒服,但刺激性却小得多。我很幸运地被安排到了这个位置,因为我很有礼貌,让其他人先坐。司机说我们会轮流坐在前面,但这当然没有发生,我不得不一直坐在那里,看不到后面的人在看什么。
我们大部分的旅行时间都花在开车去小径上,这并不那么令人兴奋。“刺激”的部分可能总共只有 8 分钟。我对司机的喜剧表演也不太满意。我们下车拍了几张照片,仅此而已。我们在塞多纳上城区拍了更好的照片。
价格与环球影城或迪士尼一日通票相同,这简直就是明目张胆的敲诈。塞多纳有很多很棒的免费或低成本活动,质量要高得多。我们非常喜欢 Crane Petroglyph 遗址、Palatki 遗址、与北亚利桑那观鸟之旅的 Tim 一起观鸟,以及在梅萨机场看日落。这些都比粉红吉普车之旅好得多。