点评:The museum is located in West Branch with easy access from I-80. We visited the museum last year but did not have much time, so we decided to take a closer look this time around. Parking is available in front of the museum and admission is USD 10 with reductions for seniors and children.
Herbert Hoover was born in West Branch but both his parents died at early ages. Therefore Hoover grew up with his uncle in Oregon and later graduated from Stanford. His life is very fascinating and his Presidential years were difficult due to the Great Depression.
Several interesting exhibits and videos are on show and when we visited a special exhibition to commemorate the 150 birthdays of the Hoovers was also available. Also the nice surroundings and the final resting place of the 31st President should be mentioned and we really enjoyed our visit.
翻译:博物馆位于西布兰奇,从 I-80 可轻松抵达。我们去年参观过博物馆,但时间不多,所以这次我们决定仔细看看。博物馆前设有停车场,门票 10 美元,老年人和儿童可享受优惠。
展出了几个有趣的展品和视频,我们参观时还观看了纪念胡佛家族 150 岁生日的特别展览。还应该提到优美的环境和第 31 任总统的最后安息之地,我们真的很享受这次参观。