点评:This is an interesting collection including a B36 and Looking Glass, B17 and B29 and SR71. I have been there 3 times before this visit. However, I was a little disappointed this time. The lighting has never been great-some planes have good interior lighting but I used my own flashlight to illuminate many of the spaces. A lot of the signage seemed to be misplaced, inaccurate, or confusing (ie: the sign for the Vulcan is only visible from the cafe, where the Vulcan is NOT visible). This is partly due to the number of planes jammed together in close proximity, and apparently partly due to some re-arranging of exhibits, but I don't see why the signage can't be kept with the planes. The biggest disappointment was the number of small children running wild. While I can't really expect the museum staff to control children, it was problematic. There are a number of video presentations at various exhibits which I simply could not hear due to the noisy children, and I am not talking about kids excited about the exhibits! Rather, they were just running around yelling like it was park. My advice is to go when school is in session and bring a good flashlight! (The cockpit instruments in the first picture were not even visible without my flashlight).
翻译:这是一个有趣的收藏,包括 B36 和 Looking Glass、B17 和 B29 和 SR71。这次参观之前我已经去过那里 3 次了。然而,这次我有点失望。照明从来都不是很好 — — 有些飞机有很好的内部照明,但我用自己的手电筒照亮了许多空间。许多标识似乎放错了地方、不准确或令人困惑(例如:Vulcan 的标识只能从咖啡馆看到,而 Vulcan 在那里看不到)。这部分是由于许多飞机挤在一起,显然部分是由于展品重新布置,但我不明白为什么标识不能和飞机一起保留。最大的失望是许多小孩乱跑。虽然我真的不能指望博物馆工作人员能控制好孩子,但这确实很成问题。各种展览上有许多视频演示,我根本听不清,因为孩子们太吵闹了,我说的不是那些对展览感到兴奋的孩子们!相反,他们只是像在公园里一样跑来跑去大喊大叫。我的建议是在学校上课的时候去,并且带上一个好手电筒!(第一张照片中的驾驶舱仪表如果没有手电筒根本看不见)。