点评:We went to this amazing sculpture park with our guides in kayaks from S&S Clear Bottom Kayaking. This vendor operates out of a cute beach location next to Pier 57 in St. George and was a short bus ride from the cruise terminal to their location. Our hosts and guides were very friendly, helpful, accommodating and knowledgeable about the garden as well as allowing us to see the fish and turtles on the reef as well paddled to the site. They provided two on water guides and a safety boat for a good workout to kayak to the point and back but done at a pace that allowed all of our group to get there. When we returned we were treated to our choice of beverage, fresh fruit grown on their property and they had a selection of local nutmeg, chocolate, spices and rum at the best prices we found in the area. I would highly recommend this tour group to see the sculptures if you are not into snorkelling or diving.
翻译:我们和导游一起乘坐 S&S Clear Bottom Kayaking 的皮划艇来到这个令人惊叹的雕塑公园。这家供应商位于圣乔治 57 号码头旁边一个可爱的海滩上,从邮轮码头乘坐巴士很快就能到达他们的位置。我们的主人和导游非常友好、乐于助人、通情达理,对花园了如指掌,还带我们参观了珊瑚礁上的鱼和海龟,并划船到达了现场。他们提供了两名水上导游和一艘安全船,让我们可以划皮划艇来回锻炼身体,但速度要保证我们所有人都能到达那里。当我们回来时,他们招待我们喝了我们自己选择的饮料、在他们家种植的新鲜水果,他们还提供各种当地的肉豆蔻、巧克力、香料和朗姆酒,价格是我们在该地区找到的最便宜的。如果您不喜欢浮潜或潜水,我强烈推荐这个旅游团来观看雕塑。