Good for a night if loud noises don’t bother you. Not accessible for many people with mobility issues very limited.
Tecumseh! Outdoor Historical Drama的点评
点评:Was hard to get into when the actors looked nothing like a Shawnee. The one actor stood out drastically because he was as white as a piece of paper, they also had women playing part of man. We went July 4 th for military appreciation. Was extremely loud with gun fighting and so on . If you have ptsd do not got to this show. It will set it off. There was a gentleman there same night whose ptsd was set off. Also make sure children have hearing protection. Would be nice to have hearing protection for adults as well. Very loud explosions. Also not enough seats for people with disabilities. Need way more accessible seating. Some people with disabilities didn’t get accessible seating, others got seating for just the disabled person, I had to sit by myself, others got a few family members sitting with them. Again not nearly enough seating for those with mobility issues. Out of 1600 seats maybe 20 were available for mobility challenge.
翻译:当演员们看起来一点也不像肖尼人时,很难进入。有一个演员因为皮肤白得像一张纸而显得格外突出,他们还让女人扮演男人的角色。我们 7 月 4 日去看军事欣赏会。枪战等场面非常吵闹。如果你有创伤后应激障碍,就不要去看这个演出了。它会引发你的恐慌。当晚有一位先生的创伤后应激障碍就发作了。还要确保儿童有听力保护装置。如果成人也有听力保护装置就好了。爆炸声非常响。而且没有足够的座位供残疾人使用。需要更多无障碍座位。一些残疾人没有无障碍座位,其他人只有残疾人座位,我不得不独自一人坐,其他人则有几个家人坐在一起。同样,对于行动不便的人来说,座位也不够。1600 个座位中,可能只有 20 个可用于行动挑战。