点评:In vicinity of the Freedom square ( Szabadsag ter - in Hungarian) the traveler shall find this building.
Finished in 1901 - building was started in 1899 - it was originally Hungarian Royal Postal Savings Bank headquarters in Budapest - and it is one of the finest examples of the art nouveau style in the city. The architect was Odon Lechner.
The building is massive and on the narrow streets it is very difficult to take photos of it - as can be seen in the attached pics , there are details mainly of the building and not an overview.
Now for those into architecture, this building is a true gem ( and it was considered a gem at the time it has been built earning several prizes for the architect) , the keen eye of the beholder will see the distinguished features of the architectural style - the decorations inspired by nature ( the bees and bee hives are present since it is bank , but filtered through the interpretation of the architect) floral motives and bees are present on the facades of the building. It is supposed to the have a beautiful roof - however from the street level this cannot be seen.
Overall a very interesting building, when you are in the area for sure it is worth to stop for a few pictures.
翻译:在自由广场(匈牙利语为 Szabadsag ter)附近,游客会发现这座建筑。
这座建筑于 1901 年完工,始建于 1899 年,最初是匈牙利皇家邮政储蓄银行在布达佩斯的总部,是这座城市新艺术风格的最佳典范之一。建筑师是 Odon Lechner。
这座建筑非常庞大,在狭窄的街道上很难拍摄到它的照片 - 如附图所示,主要有建筑细节,而不是概览。
对于建筑爱好者来说,这座建筑是一颗真正的宝石(它在建造时就被认为是一颗宝石,建筑师因此获得了多个奖项),敏锐的观察者会看到建筑风格的显著特征 - 灵感来自大自然的装饰(因为是银行,所以有蜜蜂和蜂巢,但经过建筑师的诠释),建筑外墙上有花卉图案和蜜蜂。它应该有一个漂亮的屋顶 - 然而从街道上看不到。