点评:Martha Chapel Cemetery – Walker County. Huntsville, Texas
Yes, I once again convinced my husband to tour another purported "haunted Texas" site. Today’s scheduled visit was to Martha’s Chapel Cemetery off of Bowden Road (AKA Demon’s Road.) Allegedly Bowden Road and Martha’s Chapel cemetery are considered one of the most haunted roads and cemeteries in Texas. A Methodist camp, church, and school were established on this site in what was then known as the Robinson Settlement in the Republic of Texas. The cemetery was named after Martha Palmer, who is buried there. Stories abound including facts such as your car may suddenly “rock” while driving in, mysterious handprints may appear on cars, hands may reach out from graves, mysterious red lights may be seen on Bowden Road, or a young child with glowing eyes might ride by on a tricycle.
Bowden Road is a gravel/dirt road without a sign to demarcate it. Thank goodness for GPS systems! The entrance to the cemetery has a sign, and once again I found the ground outside of the cemetery littered with cigarette boxes and bottles despite two trashcans. Some of the stones in this old cemetery were broken, and all that remains of the chapel are some red bricks. Martha Palmer’s grave is clearly marked. The cemetery is surrounded by large oak and pine trees. We didn’t hear any sounds, saw no apparitions, felt no cold drafts, and did not get grabbed by any hands. It was indeed a very peaceful setting. But then again, we visited the site during daylight hours! I did not find any mysterious handprints on my car following today’s destination visit either!
翻译:玛莎教堂墓地 – 沃克县。德克萨斯州亨茨维尔
鲍登路是一条没有标志的碎石/土路。感谢上帝赐予 GPS 系统!墓地入口处有一块标志牌,我再次发现墓地外面的地面上散落着香烟盒和瓶子,尽管有两个垃圾桶。这座古老墓地的一些石头已经破碎,教堂只剩下一些红砖。玛莎·帕尔默的坟墓标记清晰。墓地周围环绕着高大的橡树和松树。我们没有听到任何声音,没有看到幽灵,没有感觉到冷风,也没有被任何人抓住。这确实是一个非常平静的环境。但话说回来,我们是在白天参观的!在今天的目的地参观之后,我也没有在我的车上发现任何神秘的手印!