点评:In doing family genealogy research of my maternal great grandparents, I knew they came from Posa, Slovakia. I found Dr. Branislav Svorc through the city of Presov, Slovakia's website. He works as the director of tourism for the city. Posa has about 987 residents and an hour east of Presov. Presov has about 90,000 residents. We stayed in Presov at the Poetika apartments, a delightful lodging arrangement, right in the center of town on the main street.
My ggf emigrated to Vancouver Island, British Columbia around 1890 to work in the mines. My ggm came a year or two later. They were married there in 1893, had 7 children and eventually relocated to the Trumbull, CT, USA, area. My maternal grandmother was always a very special person in my life and I wanted to visit the birthplace of her parents. Thanks to Dr. Branio, he did more research before we arrived and then took us on a day trip to Posa. We first went to the Posa Village government office and met the Mayor. He and his staff were very helpful in identifying the three families still there with the same last name as my great grandparents. We knocked on their doors and they talked to us. Since I do not speak any Slovak and they no English, Dr. Branio was key to learning more about our distant family. They were so welcoming and delighted that we had come over. The Mayor was also pleased to know that we wanted to reconnect with family. We also visited the village cemetery and found many with the same last name.
Dr. Branio is a very personable, skilled professional who we thoroughly enjoyed meeting and working with in our trip to Posa and Presov, Slovakia!
翻译:在对我的曾祖父母进行家谱研究时,我知道他们来自斯洛伐克的波萨。我通过斯洛伐克普雷绍夫市的网站找到了 Branislav Svorc 博士。他担任该市旅游局局长。波萨约有 987 名居民,位于普雷绍夫以东一小时车程处。普雷绍夫约有 90,000 名居民。我们住在普雷绍夫的 Poetika 公寓,这是一个令人愉快的住宿安排,就在镇中心的主要街道上。
我的 ggf 于 1890 年左右移民到不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华岛,在矿山工作。一两年后我的ggm来了。他们于 1893 年在那里结婚,育有 7 个孩子,最终搬到美国康涅狄格州特朗布尔地区。我的外婆在我的生命中一直是一个非常特别的人,我想去参观她父母的出生地。感谢 Branio 博士,他在我们到达之前做了更多研究,然后带我们去了波萨一日游。我们首先去了波萨村政府办公室,见了村长。他和他的工作人员非常有帮助,帮助我们找到了仍然在那里的三个与我曾祖父母同姓的家庭。我们敲了敲他们的门,他们与我们交谈。由于我不会说斯洛伐克语,他们也不会英语,布拉尼奥博士是更多地了解我们远方家庭的关键。他们非常热情和高兴我们的到来。市长也很高兴得知我们想与家人重新联系。我们还参观了村里的墓地,发现了很多同姓的墓地。
Branio 博士是一位非常风度翩翩、技术精湛的专业人士,我们非常喜欢在斯洛伐克波萨和普雷绍夫之旅中与他会面并共事!