Overall a good day out, but...
Delta Force Paintball Liverpool的点评
点评:Really enjoyed the day, but the pricing structure for the paint balls is ridiculous. I manage a kids football team so took a group of 20 people, mostly 9 year olds. I bought a Gold package deal which I was told included 50% off all paint balls (main reason I got that package), but when I arrived at the centre I was told this wasnt true and that a third party sold me the package so had nothing to do with them. That was it. I was also told when buying the package that there were paint ball bundles you could buy to get more paintballs for your money, but on arrival was told that every person had to buy the same bundle to get the deal - I expressed how this was very different from what I had been told but again was imformed a third party sold me the package, not them. I visited the centre the week before so I could tell the kids / parents what to expect and was provided with a compmetely different pricing structure to the much more expensive one that we were forced to adhere to on the day.
At the beginning of the day they give you a pack of 100 paintballs and say to put them in the loading tub that goes on to the gun - what they didnt tell anyone (keeping in mind that most of our group were 9 year olds) was that when you put the balls in the top, they will fall straight out of the bottom, which happened to most of the kids. One kid lost all but 4 paintballs, and when telling a marshall he just shrugged his shoulders.
Overall a good day and the kids enjoyed themselves, but the parents left feeling a little scammed and I felt I had been lied to over the package deal I bought.
翻译:真的很享受这一天,但是彩弹的定价结构太荒谬了。我管理着一个儿童足球队,所以带了 20 个人,大部分是 9 岁的孩子。我购买了一个黄金套餐,据说包括所有彩弹 50% 的折扣(我购买该套餐的主要原因),但当我到达中心时,我被告知这不是真的,第三方向我出售了该套餐,所以与他们无关。就是这样。我还被告知,在购买套餐时,你可以购买彩弹包,以获得更多彩弹,但到达后被告知每个人都必须购买相同的包才能获得优惠 - 我表示这与我被告知的非常不同,但再次被告知第三方向我出售了套餐,而不是他们。我提前一周参观了中心,所以我可以告诉孩子/父母会发生什么,并且他们提供了一个完全不同的定价结构,而不是我们当天被迫遵守的昂贵得多的定价结构。
一天开始的时候,他们会给你一包 100 颗彩弹,并让你把它们放进装在枪上的装弹桶里——他们没有告诉任何人(记住我们团队中的大多数孩子都是 9 岁)的是,当你把彩弹放在顶部时,它们会直接从底部掉出来,大多数孩子都遇到过这种情况。一个孩子只剩下 4 颗彩弹,他告诉警卫时只是耸了耸肩。