点评:There is a reason this is often listed among the most scenic drives in Greece. If you are not comfortable with mountain driving, look elsewhere, but presuming that is not a problem, this is a memorable drive with gorges and mountains all along the way — not to mention a few photo-worthy overhanging cliffs.
It was even more memorable in our case because thanks to rockslides and/or roadway subsidence, the “main” roadway (Route 82) was closed to through traffic for a significant stretch, and we were detoured onto an even slower, narrower and more twisting roadway to the south of the gorge through entirely unspoiled villages; look up Karveli on Google Streetview for an example. I am told such detours occasionally occur, especially outside summer months, so check ahead — or plan even more time than you might expect between Kalamata and Sparta.
We love mountain driving, and Langada Pass is deservedly right up there at or near the top of any list of scenic drives anywhere in Greece.
在我们的案例中,这更令人难忘,因为由于岩石滑坡和/或道路沉降,“主要”道路(82 号公路)在很长一段时间内禁止通行,我们绕道进入了一条更慢、更窄、更曲折的道路通往峡谷南部的道路穿过完全未受破坏的村庄;在 Google Streetview 上查找 Karveli 作为示例。有人告诉我,这样的弯路偶尔会发生,尤其是在夏季以外的月份,所以请提前检查 - 或者在卡拉马塔和斯巴达之间计划比您预期更多的时间。
我们喜欢山地驾驶,而 Langada 山口当之无愧地位于或接近希腊任何地方的任何风景驾车列表的顶部。