点评:We have been to many night markets and Ive just got to say they are pretty much all the same but this one was bigger and busier.We were taken there as part of our 1/2 day Phuket tour and by the time we got there around 5.30pm we were over it and it was absolutley packed.Same cheap clothing and tourist items and the food pretty much is the same except there was a great fresh seafood stall that still had their produced swimming around.If you havent done many night markets then you will love it but just be prepared to crowd into small isles with hundreds of people who just stop and hold up the flow of people trying to move.Did see a couple of live tortoises walking around and some interesting bug food but yes just the same as every other market.Some sit down areas which were packed and you would have to wait for someone to leave to get a seat.Seafood was out of control price wise with a lobster being 2000 bht /100gms so a small one was around $80AUD
翻译:我们去过很多夜市,我只能说它们都差不多,但这个更大,更热闹。我们在那里进行了半天的普吉岛之旅,到达那里时大约是下午 5:30,那里挤满了人。同样廉价的衣服和旅游物品,食物也大同小异,除了有一个很棒的新鲜海鲜摊,上面还有他们生产的游动的海鲜。如果你没有去过很多夜市,那么你一定会爱上它的,但要做好挤进小岛的准备,数百人会停下来,阻挡试图移动的人流。确实看到了几只活乌龟在走动,还有一些有趣的虫子食物,但和其他市场一样。一些可以坐下来的地方挤满了人,你得等有人离开才能有座位。海鲜的价格高得离谱,一只龙虾 2000 泰铢/100 克,所以一只小龙虾大约要 80 澳元