点评:This gorgeous house and gardens were built by renowned British travel writer and scholar Patrick Leigh Fermor and his wife, Joan. They are open to the public for one or two hours a week, on Mondays and also Thursdays off-season. It has become a pilgrimage site for Fermor enthusiasts from around the world. The house is owned by the Benaki Museum in Athens, and tour tickets (€5) must be ordered in advance. For three months in the summer the house operates as a high-end hotel, with the money supporting the upkeep and mission of the Patrick and Joan Leigh Fermor Centre.
We spent a delightful hour exploring parts of the house and gardens, often described as one of the most beautiful properties in Greece. The house is designed in the traditional Greek style, using native wood and stone, with elegant and comfortable furnishings. Outside, open loggias frame beautiful views of mountains and the sea; the patio areas are paved with intricate pebble mosaics. We especially enjoyed seeing Patrick Leigh Fermor’s extensive book collection and looking through the volume of Joan’s famous photographs of Greece from the 40s and 50s. We were surprised and delighted to meet other Leigh Fermor fans from around the world, who all converged in this out-of-the-way place to pay homage to a brilliant writer and his wife.
翻译:这座华丽的房屋和花园是由英国著名旅行作家兼学者 Patrick Leigh Fermor 和他的妻子 Joan 建造的。它们每周一和淡季的周四向公众开放一到两个小时。它已成为来自世界各地的 Fermor 爱好者的朝圣之地。这座房子归雅典的贝纳基博物馆所有,参观门票(5 欧元)必须提前预订。夏季的三个月里,这座房子作为一家高端酒店运营,收入用于支持 Patrick 和 Joan Leigh Fermor 中心的维护和使命。
我们花了一个愉快的小时探索房子和花园的部分区域,它们经常被描述为希腊最美丽的建筑之一。这座房子采用传统的希腊风格设计,使用当地的木材和石材,配有优雅舒适的家具。外面,开放式凉廊框住了美丽的山脉和大海景色;露台区域铺有复杂的鹅卵石马赛克。我们尤其喜欢参观帕特里克·利·弗莫尔丰富的藏书,并翻阅琼在 40 年代和 50 年代拍摄的希腊著名照片集。我们惊喜地结识了来自世界各地的其他利·弗莫尔粉丝,他们都聚集在这个偏僻的地方,向这位才华横溢的作家和他的妻子致敬。