点评:Since I didn't do my homework about this place, I thought it’s just another mediocre hedge maze that you could walk through in half an hour and move on.
As a positive surprise, it turned out to be a large park with exciting games and activities for hours. The park is large, beautiful and well maintained. There is an impressively large amount of different wooden figures in the park, and anyone who has done handicrafts knows that these figures are not made between two glasses of beer, but a lot of time and energy have been put into them.
The ticket does not differentiate between adults and children and men and women - the price is 6 euros for everyone and that is reasonable. I'm not sure, but I think you could only pay in cash. Parking is by the road and free.
However, the maze that the park's name refers to, is an experience itself and parents who don’t want to explain human anatomy to their children, but want it leave to the education system, should keep their children well away from this maze. It is a very…very naughty maze. Even I dared to walk through this maze with my hands in front of my eyes and I only peeked a little between my fingers.
The only thing that caused dubious feelings was the old-fashioned wooden toilet without water. Such attractions should become a thing of the past.
All in all, a very fantastic park and both thumbs up.
门票不分成人和儿童、男女——每个人的票价都是 6 欧元,这是合理的。我不确定,但我认为你只能用现金支付。停车场在路边,免费。