Of all the waterfalls visited during this trip, the road was the most difficult.
Chertova Melnitsa Waterfall的点评
点评:In the morning we went along the next ecological ladder to the Devil's Mill waterfall.
At the control paid an environmental fee of 200 rubles.
The road immediately went sharply uphill and it was difficult to walk on wet ground.
We were surrounded by a magical forest with moss-covered boulders and cheerful blue flowers.
On one of the sites, I had to cross the stones through a mountain river, holding on to a cable stretched here. Immediately after the river, a snowy slope began, in which steps were trodden. The soles of my sneakers were almost smooth, without treads, it was hard to climb.
Already almost at the top of the mountain, when warning signs appeared about the beginning of the border zone, we heard the sound of water.
The waterfall is interesting, one jet comes out from under the snow, then the second one falls down, forming a whirlpool. Apparently, this is why the waterfall is called the devil's mill. You can sit on a huge boulder, watching this riot of water.
Going down was even harder.
Of all the waterfalls visited during this trip, the road was the most difficult.
在控制支付了 200 卢布的环境费。