点评:I’d seen angel bay listed on things to do when staying near Conwy and we decided to go and check it out as there’s meant to be seals on the beach below the cliffs.
We drove and parked up on the road on the housing estate nearby and took the short 5-10 min walk to the cliffs overlooking the seals. I was shocked to see that they were actually there and a fair amount of them too.
It’s free to see and totally worth it. You can’t get too close to them but you still have a good view and can hear them from above.
The sign says the best time to go is during mating season (September - November) as this is when the beach can be seen to be covered with seals but it’s still worth going outside of this like we did as it didn’t disappoint.
We could see them play fighting and swimming in the sea as well as hearing make their funny noises.
我们开车过来,把车停在附近的住宅区路上,步行 5-10 分钟就到了可以俯瞰海豹的悬崖。我很震惊地发现它们真的在那里,而且数量还不少。
标牌上说,最佳游览时间是交配季节(9 月 - 11 月),因为此时可以看到海滩上布满海豹,但还是值得像我们一样走出去,因为它没有让我们失望。