点评:I came to Pantanal to try and see jaguars. What I got was greater than I could ever possibly imagine. Sightings included: a jaguar carrying a newborn cub, a jaguar preying on caiman, several other jaguar sightings almost every single day, giant otters preying on giant catfish and several other scenes with otter families, 8 tapirs, 3 giant anteaters, a herd of peccaries, king vulture, 4 species of kingfisher, and so much more. As a wildlife enthusiast, it was the greatest sightings of animal activity I have ever seen and I have travelled a lot. Our guide Fernandao and the boat drivers were extremely vital to this, spotting well camouflaged animals at every turn. Fernandao being a birder also added a lot to the trip as whilst we had come for the jaguars and other megafauna, his enthusiasm about the birds was infectious and we were able to to truly appreciate the wealth of bird life that Pantanal has to offer. And for such unspoilt, pristine wilderness (which was proved by the abundance of jaguars) the degree of comfort in the lodgings was unbelievable. Overall, it was a near perfect trip for me, could not recommend more.
翻译:我来到潘塔纳尔,想看看美洲虎。结果比我想象的还要精彩。目击的景象包括:一只美洲虎抱着一只新生幼崽,一只美洲虎捕食凯门鳄,几乎每天都能看到几只美洲虎,巨型水獭捕食巨型鲶鱼,还有几处水獭家族的场景,8 只貘,3 只巨型食蚁兽,一群野猪,王鹫,4 种翠鸟,等等。作为一名野生动物爱好者,这是我见过的最壮观的动物活动,我去过很多地方。我们的导游 Fernandao 和船夫对此至关重要,他们在每个转弯处都能发现伪装得很好的动物。费尔南多是一名观鸟者,这也为这次旅行增色不少。虽然我们来这里是为了美洲虎和其他巨型动物,但他对鸟类的热情却感染了我们,让我们真正欣赏到了潘塔纳尔丰富的鸟类生活。对于如此未受破坏的原始荒野(美洲虎的大量存在证明了这一点),住宿的舒适程度令人难以置信。总的来说,对我来说,这是一次近乎完美的旅行,强烈推荐。