点评:The main trailhead for Eagles nest is not across from the main parking area off the highway, Instead you need to walk back up the highway to the main trailhead, which opens up into an old logging road
- if instead, you take the trailhead immediately across from the parking lot, you end up on what is called Little Pine Path
This is not a clearly marked path although on the main map, it does say it eventually takes you to Eagle Nest. I attempted to take this path/hike with the aim of making my way to Eagles Nest, but after an hour or so on this poorly marked path, I could not find my way to Eagles nest and had to return back to the parking lot
I recommend avoiding this path and look for the main trailhead up the highway from the main parking lot
Once you enter that trailhead it is an easy 1.5 km hike to Eagles nest
- 如果您选择从停车场正对面的步道入口走,那么您最终会到达所谓的小松树小径
进入该步道入口后,只需轻松徒步 1.5 公里即可到达鹰巢