点评:This was our second time with Khalanga and Shoes and this trip was even better than the first. In 2023/24 we went to the South Kruger and that was fantastic! This time we were looking for a different experience and Shoes made sure that is what we had. Starting at Punda Maria we travelled down to Satara staying at Shingwedzi and Letarba along the way and visiting many other areas on our daily game drives. The organization and communication were superb; Shoes made suggestions and then gave us the opportunity to research before finally confirming. We decided this time to have two nights in each Rest Camp and three in Satara – 9 nights in total. This ensured we had sufficient time to fully explore each area and gave Shoes the opportunity to really showcase and share ‘his Kruger’. His knowledge and passion for the animals, birds, flora and geography of every part of the Park was incredible; every day was a unique experience encompassing far more than just a game drive and we learned so much! One of us is into Birds and the other into Animals and Shoes met both our expectations with bells on!! Shoes’ knowledge in differentiating between male, female and the juvenile of the bird species we saw made identification a fascinating exercise in itself and there was little that we didn’t see. As for the animals, of course we saw the Big 5 and so much more. Watching a Leopard climb into a tree to wait for its dinner to walk by, rounding a corner to be met by a pack of Wild Dogs walking down the road, Cheetahs with their young, Lions leaving the kill and the Vultures finishing off the leftovers, the Jackals, Hyenas, Rhinos, Elephants and, of course the Giraffe, Hippos, Crocodile and Warthogs – right down to the Impala and Mongoose and the African Wild Cat that walked by our verandah as we sat eating dinner, cooked by Shoes – Shoes’ expertise and skill in tracking and ‘reading’ the signs of nature ensured that we saw it all. We finished our adventure with 2 nights in Graskopf – the Panorama Route – and this was the perfect end to an amazing holiday. It is probably not hard to go to the Kruger and see some great sights but the experience offered by Khalanga Safaris is far more than this and we could not recommend it highly enough. We are now looking forward to journeying through the ‘winter Kruger’ with Shoes in 2026.
翻译:这是我们第二次与 Khalanga 和 Shoes 一起旅行,这次旅行比第一次更好。2023/24 年,我们去了南克鲁格,那真是太棒了!这次我们想寻找不同的体验,Shoes 确保我们拥有了这种体验。从 Punda Maria 出发,我们前往萨塔拉,沿途住在 Shingwedzi 和 Letarba,并在每天的狩猎活动中参观了许多其他地区。组织和沟通都很棒;Shoes 提出了建议,然后让我们有机会进行研究,最后才确认。这次我们决定在每个休息营住两晚,在萨塔拉住三晚——总共 9 晚。这确保了我们有足够的时间充分探索每个区域,并让 Shoes 有机会真正展示和分享“他的克鲁格”。他对公园每个部分的动物、鸟类、植物和地理的了解和热情令人难以置信;每一天都是一次独特的体验,不仅仅是一次狩猎,我们学到了很多东西!我们其中一人对鸟类感兴趣,另一人对动物感兴趣,Shoes 完全满足了我们的期望!!Shoes 能够区分我们看到的鸟类的雄性、雌性和幼鸟,这使得识别过程本身就是一种有趣的练习,而且我们几乎看不到任何动物。至于动物,我们当然看到了非洲五霸以及更多。看着一只豹子爬上一棵树,等待它的晚餐经过,转过一个角落,遇到一群野狗走在路上,猎豹带着它们的幼崽,狮子离开猎物,秃鹫吃掉剩下的食物,豺狼、鬣狗、犀牛、大象,当然还有长颈鹿、河马、鳄鱼和疣猪——甚至还有黑斑羚、猫鼬和非洲野猫,它们在我们坐着吃 Shoes 做的晚餐时从我们的阳台走过——Shoes 在追踪和“阅读”自然迹象方面的专业知识和技能确保我们看到了这一切。我们在格拉斯科普夫(全景路线)度过了 2 晚,结束了我们的冒险之旅,这是一次美妙假期的完美结束。去克鲁格国家公园看一些美景可能并不难,但 Khalanga Safaris 提供的体验远不止这些,我们强烈推荐它。我们现在期待着 2026 年带着 Shoes 穿越“冬季克鲁格国家公园”。