点评:From Orange we took Cargo Road until turning onto Lake Canobolas Road towards the lake. This is a man made body of water originally formed when Meadow Creek was dammed in 1918 to provide water for the township of Orange. Lake Canobolas has been dedicated to recreational activities since being superseded by Spring Creek Dam which is now the secondary water supply for the town. There is a cafe here, Lakeside Kiosk and Cafe, which was quite busy today, it would have been good to know this was here but taking our McDonalds coffee to a vacant table beside the lake, apart from the cool wind, it was a nice stop to sit and finish our coffee. There is a walkway which is probably the top of the dam wall that would take you to the other side of the lake, the dam wall is halfway along the walk so stopping here there were views to both sides of the wall.
翻译:我们从奥兰治出发,沿着 Cargo Road 一直走到湖边,然后转向 Lake Canobolas Road 前往湖泊。这是一片人工水体,最初是在 1918 年 Meadow Creek 筑坝为奥兰治镇供水时形成的。自从 Spring Creek Dam 取代后,Lake Canobolas 就一直用于休闲活动,Spring Creek Dam 现在是该镇的第二水源。这里有一家咖啡馆,Lakeside Kiosk and Cafe,今天非常繁忙,如果知道这里有这家咖啡馆就好了,但是我们拿着麦当劳咖啡来到湖边的一张空桌子上,除了凉爽的风,这是一个坐下来喝咖啡的好地方。有一条人行道,可能是大坝墙的顶部,可以带你到湖的另一边,大坝墙就在步行的一半,所以在这里停下来可以看到墙的两侧。