点评:We did the snorkeling tour hoping to see majestic marine animals but of course knew that it wasn’t a guarantee. The staff also stressed this. But the morning we woke up there had been a big storm and it was still cloudy and drizzling. I think the tour should have been cancelled. They clearly knew that the waves were going to be very choppy and we weren’t going to see any manta rays or turtles but still carried on anyway. We had to cross some seriously choppy waters to get to manta bay and I don’t know why they didn’t offer life jackets before we went into the water. I am not a weak swimmer but could barely keep my head out of the water because of the strong currents. There was water constantly leaking into my snorkel mask and it was impossible to readjust it without golping in a liter of ocean water. We were there for maybe 2-5 mins before going to the next stop with choppy waves. Finally at the third stop they offered life jackets and the girls grabbed it. This helped a lot but the water was very dark, you couldn’t see much. We got back in exactly 2 hours. Much shorter than the tour’s plans probably because of the bad weather conditions. Overall we had a disappointing and a pretty dangerous experience. I know we had bad luck today with the weather, but I think that with the locals knowing these waters so well, should have cancelled or postponed the trip.
翻译:我们参加了浮潜之旅,希望能看到雄伟的海洋动物,但当然知道这不是保证。工作人员也强调了这一点。但我们醒来的那天早上,发生了一场大风暴,天空仍然阴云密布,下着毛毛雨。我认为这次旅行应该取消。他们清楚地知道海浪会非常波涛汹涌,我们看不到蝠鲼或海龟,但还是继续了下去。我们必须穿过一些波涛汹涌的水域才能到达蝠鲼湾,我不知道为什么他们在我们下水前不提供救生衣。我的游泳能力不差,但由于水流太强,我几乎无法将头露出水面。水不断渗入我的潜水面罩,如果不吞下一升海水,就不可能重新调整它。我们在那里待了大概 2-5 分钟,然后前往下一个海浪汹涌的站点。最后在第三站,他们提供了救生衣,女孩们抢了它。这很有帮助,但水很黑,你看不清多少东西。我们正好在 2 小时内回来。可能因为天气恶劣,比旅行计划的要短得多。总的来说,我们的经历令人失望,而且相当危险。我知道我们今天的运气不好,天气不好,但我认为当地人对这些水域非常熟悉,应该取消或推迟这次旅行。