点评:This is one of the rare large temple that is not very crowded. Not very far from Srirangam temple. It is one of the 5 pancha bhoota sthalas featuring the water element. Shivalingam is below ground level as it is said that the lingam is being circulated with water from underground reservoir. You won't see the Lingam straight ahead as you walk in like in other temples, you would climb down a set of stairs on the side to get into the sanctum. Water is not clearly visible as the sanctum is rather dark and not lighted well. Architecture of the 4 large pillars as you walk in and the 1000 pillared corridors really add beauty and value to this temple. Most of the pillars look relatively new as well. Additionally, this temple has a meadow with lots of plants and trees makes it a peaceful and serene place. A must visit temple to spend atleast 2 hours if you are in Trichy.
翻译:这是为数不多的不太拥挤的大型寺庙之一。距离 Srirangam 寺庙不远。它是 5 个以水元素为特色的 pancha bhoota sthala 之一。Shivalingam 位于地面以下,据说林加姆通过地下水库的水进行循环。像在其他寺庙一样,您走进去时不会直接看到林加姆,您需要爬下侧面的一组楼梯才能进入圣殿。由于圣殿相当黑暗,光线不足,所以看不到水。走进去时看到的 4 根大柱子的建筑风格和 1000 个柱状走廊确实为这座寺庙增添了美丽和价值。大多数柱子看起来也比较新。此外,这座寺庙有一片草地,草地上长满了植物和树木,使它成为一个宁静平和的地方。如果您在 Trichy,这是一座必游寺庙,至少要花 2 个小时。