点评:Garry Donohoe of Island Tours was strongly recommended to us and we were most impressed with the whole day. A well informed and friendly guide who told interesting stories and had planned our day in detail. We had brilliant views of Scapa Flow, were impressed by the World War 2 buildings but the highlight of our tour had to be the stunning walk to the Old Man of Hoy and picnic by the sea. I was feeling a bit nervous about the 3 hour walk to the Old Man of Hoy and back but Garry was brilliant. He explained the terrain so I could pace myself and I made it feel easily. I noticed he was well prepared for our safety - he even had flasks of tea and coffee and chocolate bars! At the end of the day we visited a RSPB site watching the sea birds and listening to skylarks. Book with Garry for an informative and memorable visit to the island of Hoy.
翻译:Island Tours 的 Garry Donohoe 被强烈推荐给我们,这一天给我们留下了最深刻的印象。一位消息灵通且友好的向导,他讲述了有趣的故事并详细计划了我们的一天。我们看到了斯卡帕流的壮丽景色,对第二次世界大战的建筑印象深刻,但我们旅行的亮点必须是步行到霍伊老人和海边野餐。我对步行 3 小时到霍伊老人并返回感到有点紧张,但加里很棒。他解释了地形,这样我就可以调整自己的节奏,而且我感觉很轻松。我注意到他为我们的安全做好了充分的准备——他甚至还准备了茶、咖啡和巧克力棒!一天结束时,我们参观了 RSPB 网站,观看海鸟和聆听云雀。与 Garry 一起预订霍伊岛的信息丰富且令人难忘的访问。