点评:One of the most known and probably most visited caves in Romania - the Bear's cave in the village of Chiscau.
Discovered accidentally in 1975 when in the area was a stone quarry and they were using explosives for the mining operations - in one of the blasts the opening in the ceiling of the cave was blown.
Fortunately if got sealed for the public and the works of preparing it for visiting have started in 1976 and was open for the public in 1980 - ever since it is opened for visitors and based on what the guide was telling us abut 300000 people are visiting this cave yearly.
There are 3 halls of the cave opened for visiting - the "Hall of Bones" , the "Emil Racovita hall" partially and the "Hall of Candles" - the 4th hall of the cave is a speleological reservation , off limits to the general public.
It is famous for the large number of Cave Bear (a sub species extinct during the last ice age 14-16000 years ago) skeletons - more then 130 different bear skeletons - that were found here - so it is basically a Necropolis, of bears.
The limestone formations are spectacular - definitely worth visiting ... so when you are in the area I recommend you to visit this place.
It is 40 Ron the entry ticket - about 8 Euro - but definitely well worth it.
Also everywhere you near the main building you will find signs that tacking pictures inside the cave is forbidden, but the guides are not really enforcing this rule, they "allow" you to take "a few" pictures.
So, here it is - a must see place when you are visiting the area.
翻译:罗马尼亚最著名和可能参观人数最多的洞穴之一 - 奇斯考村的熊洞。
1975 年意外发现,当时该地区是一个采石场,当时他们正在使用炸药进行采矿作业 - 在一次爆炸中,洞穴顶部的开口被炸开。
幸运的是,如果对公众密封并且准备参观的工作始于 1976 年,并于 1980 年对公众开放 - 自从它对游客开放以来,根据导游告诉我们的情况,大约有 300000 人正在参观这个洞穴每年。
洞穴有 3 个大厅可供参观 - “骨头大厅”、部分“Emil Racovita 大厅”和“蜡烛大厅” - 洞穴的第 4 个大厅是一个洞穴保留区,不对公众开放.
它以大量的洞熊(在 14-16000 年前的最后一个冰河时代灭绝的亚种)骨骼而闻名——在这里发现了超过 130 种不同的熊骨骼——所以它基本上是熊的墓地。
石灰岩地层非常壮观 - 绝对值得一游......所以当您在该地区时,我建议您参观这个地方。
门票是 40 罗恩——大约 8 欧元——但绝对物有所值。