点评:We were first very impressed by the entering facility. Extremely excited when we saw all the rides. Then after the first two good rides, we went on to find out half of the rides (and restaurants) are closed. There were only a total of four Big rides, which were on rotating 30-mins schedule so only 2 big rides are in operation at the same time. They have enough employees to operate the 4 rides at the same time but they didn't. A waste of time to line up.
Due to the limited exciting rides for teens, we headed to the wave pool, but was told that you couldn't enter without a live jacket that costed 8000 won to rent. (You can bring your own if you have one)
We figured we'd just ride the big ones a few more times to make the long bus ride there and the ticket's worth, nut they close all the big rides at 4pm. The park itself said close at 6PM. Now we're left with only the indoor kids rides.
I was excited to use the upstairs spa and sauna facilities but all closed since COVID
Not to mention the expensive and not-delicious food.
They should offer 50% off on all tickets since they're only half of the entire facility open.
Seed attach map to see what's closed.
翻译:我们首先对进入设施印象深刻。当我们看到所有的游乐设施时非常兴奋。然后,在前两次良好的游乐设施之后,我们继续发现一半的游乐设施(和餐馆)都关门了。总共只有 4 个大型游乐设施,每 30 分钟轮流运行一次,因此只有 2 个大型游乐设施同时运行。他们有足够的员工来同时运营 4 个游乐设施,但他们没有。排队浪费时间。
由于适合青少年的刺激游乐设施有限,我们前往造浪池,但被告知如果没有租用的救生衣就不能进入,费用为 8000 韩元。 (有的话可以自带)
我们想我们应该多骑几次大型游乐设施,这样才能坐长途巴士,而且车票也值,但他们会在下午 4 点关闭所有大型游乐设施。公园本身说下午 6 点关门。现在我们只剩下室内儿童游乐设施了。
他们应该为所有门票提供 50% 的折扣,因为他们只开放了整个设施的一半。