点评:This is not an in depth review ( please see Macedonboy’s earlier excellent review for that ) as never manage to arrive here early enough to book tickets for the guided tour from the S.W.A.C.S. Visitor Centre And Museum. However, it’s very interesting to see these caves , which have Britain’s highest number of Pictish carvings , but be aware most are locked up , & can only be seen up close & personal via a tour ( except for the Doo cave, still occupied by roosting pigeons. ) Take a powerful torch 🔦 with you to see into the caves and make out these carvings rendered by the ancient Celts.
There’s plenty parking along the seafront , and it’s a lovely walk with beautiful views over the Firth of Forth, and the possibility of seeing seals 🦭 swimming in the sea, or basking on the rocks.
翻译:这不是一篇深入的评论(请参阅 Macedonboy 之前的出色评论),因为从来没有能够足够早地到达这里预订 S.W.A.C.S. 游客中心和博物馆的导游门票。然而,参观这些洞穴非常有趣,它们拥有英国最多的皮克特雕刻,但请注意,大多数洞穴都被锁起来了,只有通过旅行才能近距离亲眼看到(除了 Doo 洞穴,仍然有栖息的鸽子。)带上强大的手电筒🔦可以看到洞穴内部,辨认出古代凯尔特人留下的这些雕刻。