点评:What a disappointment - The venue is very pretty and the price is reasonable, but we experienced a lack of attention to detail on our wedding day as well as amateur staff and quite a few things that were promised as part of the package which were not delivered. As a result we have been in contact with the venue since, to express our concerns and request compensation for multiple mishaps and undelivered promises including the quantity and quality of the food, poor microphone and speaker equipment and staff showing a level of incompetence (including, but not limited to, one of the waiters dropping food on a guest's suit and not apologising). Aside from all of the events during the day, all of which were admittedly small errors, but when added up create a big complaint - it is the lack of accountability I have experienced from the venue since the day, that has caused me to make such a scathing review. They have shown very little accountability, they have essentially implied that because we didn't express any concerns on our wedding day that what we have since raised with them must be untrue. We personally did not want to spend our wedding day talking to the staff about areas we felt they needed to improve and a lot of the issues raised were only bought to our attention in the days after, by guests who were affected by all the mishaps/lack of attention to detail, so we couldn't raise them on the day. It is a shame the venue felt they had to respond defensively to our complaints & comments as it has left a sour taste and I would now not recommend this venue to any couple looking for a stress-free experience on their wedding day, I have attached a professional photo from the day which shows the BBQ food was clearly not cooked on the BBQ itself as promised as you can see the grid is completely clean, and no heat coming from it (regardless of the rain on the day - no one expressed they wouldn't use the BBQ to physically cook the food if the weather turned). This is just one example of the food quality not being to the standard promised, but unfortunately because the venue refused to share the CCTV they had allegedly been checking in order to prove that our concerns were invalid, I don't have any further photographic evidence to share. Also, beware that if there is a golfing event being advertised at the time of your wedding, there could be bright signage and coned off areas which could be seen in your pictures, which again you won't be warned about.
翻译:真是令人失望——场地非常漂亮,价格也合理,但我们在婚礼当天却发现他们对细节不够关注,工作人员也很业余,很多承诺的东西都没有兑现。因此,我们一直与场地保持联系,表达我们的担忧,并要求他们赔偿多起事故和未兑现的承诺,包括食物的数量和质量、糟糕的麦克风和扬声器设备以及工作人员表现出的一定程度的无能(包括但不限于,一名服务员将食物掉在客人的西装上,却没有道歉)。除了当天发生的所有事件,所有这些都是小错误,但加起来就是一个大问题——正是从那天起,场地就缺乏责任感,才导致我做出如此严厉的批评。他们几乎没有表现出责任感,他们基本上是在暗示,因为我们在婚礼当天没有表达任何担忧,所以我们后来向他们提出的问题一定是假的。我们个人不想在婚礼当天和工作人员谈论我们认为他们需要改进的地方,而且很多问题都是在之后的几天才引起我们的注意,那些受到所有事故/缺乏对细节的关注影响的客人,所以我们无法在当天提出这些问题。遗憾的是,场地觉得他们必须对我们的投诉和评论做出防御性回应,因为它留下了不愉快的感觉,现在我不会向任何想要在婚礼当天享受无压力体验的夫妇推荐这个场地,我附上了一张当天的专业照片,显示烧烤食物显然不是像承诺的那样在烧烤架上烤的,你可以看到网格是完全干净的,也没有热量从上面冒出来(不管当天是否下雨 - 没有人表示如果天气转变他们不会用烧烤架来烹饪食物)。这只是食物质量未达到承诺标准的一个例子,但不幸的是,由于场地拒绝分享他们据称检查过的闭路电视,以证明我们的担忧是无效的,我没有进一步的照片证据可以分享。另外,请注意,如果在婚礼期间有高尔夫活动的广告,可能会有明亮的标牌和锥形区域,这些可以在您的照片中看到,而您也不会收到警告。