点评:Well, I was enjoying my time with grandchildren painting a big penguin and a smallish princess and my wife tried her hand with a gnome. We looked at price sheet on the table and it looked like £10 for large item and reduced accordingly for smaller bits. It showed prices for firing but we were taking with us as is. And a charge on top for painting of course which I assumed.
The scribble under the pieces I assumed was the code for the shop. No currency sign which I found out later to be the price. £28 for the bare penguin, £20 for a smallish gnome. And with the princess the total came to £68 as they were. No firing charge. How can the average person cope with this cost, the same paint your own pieces with paint and brushes are available in other shops like the works, or the range even for a fraction of the cost. I know they need a profit margin but these prices are for the elite out there.. £9 for two hot drinks and a small fruit carton added to a very expensive 2 hours out. Please be aware prices are scribbled under the pieces in pencil and a charge on top for the 100ml of paint we probably used for the 3 items. And the table time.
It was a fun time for my grandchildren all the same, but shocked at the price we paid. Kids theme park prices in reality. Staff were great and a happy place, just very pricey!.
翻译:好吧,我正和孙子们一起享受画一只大企鹅和一个小公主的时光,我的妻子试着画了一个小矮人。我们看了看桌上的价格表,大件物品的价格似乎为 10 英镑,小件物品的价格相应降低。上面显示了烧制价格,但我们按原样带走了。当然,我猜想还要加上绘画费。
我猜想作品下面的涂鸦是商店的代码。没有货币符号,后来我才发现那是价格。裸企鹅 28 英镑,小矮人 20 英镑。加上公主,总价为 68 英镑。没有烧制费。普通人如何承受这个成本,同样的,在其他商店,如作品或系列中,可以用颜料和刷子自己画作品,甚至只需花费一小部分成本。我知道他们需要利润空间,但这些价格是为精英们准备的。两杯热饮和一个小水果盒要 9 英镑,再加上非常昂贵的 2 小时。请注意,价格是用铅笔潦草地写在作品下方的,上面还标明了我们可能为这 3 件作品使用的 100 毫升油漆的费用。还有餐桌时间。