点评:A half-term visit to this stunningly located area was a dreadful disappointment. It had nothing to do with the poor weather but with the whole dog-eared experience everywhere. School holidays are clearly a peak time but places everywhere seemed shocked and unprepared for visitors. Car parking everywhere is very difficult and usually mightily expensive. The ticket dispensers are unbelievably slow, unreliable or out of order, the conditions and charges are inflexible. If you stay the night it's essential to get up and feed the meter at 9.0 a.m. or risk £100 fine! Hospitality and welcome? Not really. The few restaurants were not serving normally. It was difficult or impossible to find anywhere to eat indoors at a proper table because of staff shortages. Every tourist town/ village had the same shops with the same stock and the same huge prices, indistinguishable from each other. Huge charges to see Beatrix Potter-related trivia everywhere. Inadequate signage for walkers to get off the busy roads. Thank goodness this kind of blight has yet to reach the Borders!
翻译:对这个地理位置优越的地区的半学期访问令人非常失望。这与恶劣的天气无关,而是与到处都是折角的经历有关。学校假期显然是高峰期,但各地似乎都对游客感到震惊和措手不及。到处停车都非常困难,而且通常非常昂贵。售票机速度慢得令人难以置信,不可靠或出现故障,条件和收费不灵活。如果您要过夜,则必须在上午 9 点起床并喂食仪表,否则将面临 100 英镑罚款的风险!款待和欢迎?并不真地。几家餐馆没有正常服务。由于人手短缺,很难或不可能在任何地方找到合适的餐桌在室内就餐。每个旅游城镇/村庄都有相同的商店,相同的库存和相同的巨大价格,彼此之间没有区别。随处可见与比阿特丽克斯·波特相关的琐事的巨额费用。步行者离开繁忙道路的标志不足。谢天谢地,这种疫病还没有蔓延到边境!