点评:Visited in March on a Sunday. I told the hotel I was wanting to go here. They called for me to make sure they were open. The first call was a hang up and when calling again they said they were open. This place is on the outskirts of town closer to residential area. It's basically a warehouse in the middle of nowhere on the main road. When we arrived it looked abandoned. However, since the hotel had called we went in. The lights were out and the one person there had been asleep. Our driver talked to her and she said she needed time to turn everything one. She turned on all the lights and fans. NO AC. We paid $12/person and told to remove our shoes. The girl walked around with us and helped take pictures of us. We pretty much walked through the place quickly since we were the only two people there. With no AC it got pretty hot inside.
Based on our experience I would not recommend this place. It's not worth the price.
翻译:三月份的一个周日访问过。我告诉酒店我想去这里。他们打电话给我以确保他们是开放的。第一次打电话就被挂断了,当再次打电话时,他们说他们有空。这个地方位于城镇郊区,靠近居民区。它基本上是一个位于主干道上不知名的仓库。当我们到达时,它看起来被遗弃了。然而,既然酒店打来了电话,我们就进去了。灯灭了,那里的一个人已经睡着了。我们的司机与她交谈,她说她需要时间让一切都恢复正常。她打开了所有的灯和风扇。没有空调。我们付了 12 美元/人,并被告知要脱掉鞋子。那个女孩陪着我们走来走去,还帮我们拍照。我们很快就穿过了这个地方,因为我们是那里仅有的两个人。没有空调,里面很热。