点评:The Hitchhikers guide to Tirupati Balaji.
There is a myth. No darshan without advance booking. If you would like same day darshan there are 2 options. At 2 AM daily, tickets are issued at Srinivasa opposite Tirupati bus station. Other option is just head on to Tirumala temple and get in the Sarva darshanam queue. May take longer but you get darshan.
There is a direct bus from Tirupati to Tirumala, fare about 90 rupees.
The other option is to walk from Alipiri gate to Tirumala. 12 KM. 3550 steps. If health allows, do this. It is divine. Devotees all around you give you energy, the walk is over before you know it. Some devotees paint every step with vermilion and haldi. When ITC touches 5K, I will also do this ritual. Food in Andhra is the best so don't have to worry at all. This trip is the highlight of my year. I have immense faith in Venkatesha so I really look forward to this. Contact me if you have questions when you plan travel, I am a semi trip guide to Tirupati after all my visits.
有一个神话。没有提前预订就无法朝拜。如果您想当天朝拜,有两种选择。每天凌晨 2 点,在蒂鲁帕蒂汽车站对面的 Srinivasa 发放车票。另一种选择是直接前往蒂鲁马拉寺庙,然后排队等候 Sarva darshanam。可能需要更长时间,但您可以朝拜。
有从蒂鲁帕蒂到蒂鲁马拉的直达巴士,票价约 90 卢比。
另一种选择是从 Alipiri 门步行到蒂鲁马拉。12 公里。3550 级台阶。如果身体允许,那就这样做。这是神圣的。你周围的信徒给你能量,步行在你不知不觉中就结束了。一些信徒用朱砂和哈尔迪涂抹每一步。当 ITC 达到 5K 时,我也会做这个仪式。安得拉邦的食物是最好的,所以完全不用担心。这次旅行是我今年最精彩的时刻。我对 Venkatesha 充满信心,所以我非常期待这次旅行。如果您在计划旅行时有任何问题,请联系我,我去过蒂鲁帕蒂很多地方,可以说是蒂鲁帕蒂的半程旅行指南。