点评:Exploring the centre of Darmstadt, we spotted the huge pink Saint-Louis Church towering on the Riedelsberg at the end of Wilhelminenstrasse street and went to have a close look. The court architect of Grand Duke Ludwig I of Hessen, Georg Moller, modelled this unusual classicistic church after the Pantheon in Rome, opting for a round building covered with the once largest wooden dome in Germany resting on twenty-eight Corinthian columns. Upon entering, we found St Louis’s impressive but not exactly awe-inspiring as a sacral building. Erected between 1822 and 1827, the church suffered heavy damages during the British bombardment of Darmstadt on 11 September 1944. The dome and the interior were completely lost. Reconstruction lasted from 1950 to 2005; the present-day interior contains mainly contemporary elements, like the altar island and the organ (2005), the apex cross (2007), and the Trinity Window. (2009). Nonetheless, St. Ludwig is worth a quick visit.
翻译:在达姆施塔特市中心探险时,我们发现了位于威廉敏大街尽头里德尔斯堡山上的巨大的粉红色圣路易斯教堂,于是我们走过去仔细看了看。黑森州大公路德维希一世的宫廷建筑师格奥尔格·莫勒以罗马万神殿为蓝本设计了这座不同寻常的古典主义教堂,选择了圆形建筑,顶部覆盖着曾经是德国最大的木制圆顶,由二十八根科林斯式柱子支撑。走进去,我们发现圣路易斯教堂作为一座宗教建筑,虽然气势宏伟,但并不令人敬畏。该教堂建于 1822 年至 1827 年间,在 1944 年 9 月 11 日英国轰炸达姆施塔特期间遭到严重损坏。圆顶和内部装饰完全毁坏。重建从 1950 年持续到 2005 年;现今的内部主要保留了现代元素,如祭坛岛和管风琴(2005 年)、尖顶十字架(2007 年)和三位一体窗(2009 年)。尽管如此,圣路德维希教堂还是值得一游的。