点评:Betty Zonia
Aug 8, 2024, 11:37 HST
After purchasing macadamia nuts; I have been in contact with Mauna Loa several time. Without any success. I had provided them with all the information they requested regarding the case of macadamia nuts That I purchased and Immediately reported that were rancid. I may add that the expiration date was Supposedly good for several months expiring in October 2024.
request #48656 "Re: Request #47994: after many attempts to contact customer service I had received another survey asking if my problem was resolved. After I completed it, I try to submit it and it would not allow me to why maybe because I said I was dissatisfied. I think this is unconscionable poor business practice to not allow someone to honestly provide negative feedback Through your site.
furthermore, I paid $50 including tax. For nuts that were rancid and all I got was a $12 coupon from Mauna Loa.
I would like this escalated because I have submitted all of the information that was requested by Mauna Loa.
Betty Zonia
翻译:Betty Zonia
2024 年 8 月 8 日,11:37 HST
购买澳洲坚果后,我多次与 Mauna Loa 联系。但均未成功。我向他们提供了他们要求的有关我购买的澳洲坚果的所有信息,并立即报告说这些坚果已经腐烂。我可以补充一点,有效期据说是几个月,将于 2024 年 10 月到期。
请求 #48656 “回复:请求 #47994:在多次尝试联系客户服务后,我收到了另一份调查,询问我的问题是否已解决。完成调查后,我尝试提交调查,但它不允许我回答为什么,可能是因为我说我不满意。我认为这是不合理的不良商业行为,不允许某人通过您的网站诚实地提供负面反馈。
此外,我支付了 50 美元(含税)。对于腐烂的坚果,我得到的只是一张来自 Mauna Loa 的 12 美元优惠券。
我希望这个问题升级,因为我已经提交了 Mauna Loa 要求的所有信息。
Betty Zonia