点评:The Adiyogi Shiva bust is a 34-metre tall (112 ft), 45-metre long (147 ft) and 25-metre wide (82 ft) steel bust of Shiva with Thirunamam at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. It is recognized by the Guinness World Records as the "Largest Bust Sculpture” in the world
Adiyogi is located at the Isha Yoga Centre. Its height, 112 ft, symbolizes the 112 possibilities to attain to moksha (liberation) that are mentioned in yogic culture, and also the 112 chakras in the human system.A linga named Yogeshwar Linga was consecrated and placed in front of the statue.The Indian Ministry of Tourism has included the statue in its official Incredible India tourism campaign.It is also the venue of a light and sound show about Shiva as a yogi, inaugurated by the President of India, Ram Nath Kovind.
Adiyogi was inaugurated on 24 February 2017 by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, on the occasion of Maha Shivaratri.
The bust is already getting some damages, hopefully they can preserve it better
翻译:阿迪瑜吉湿婆半身像是一座钢制半身雕像,高 34 米(112 英尺),长 45 米(147 英尺),宽 25 米(82 英尺),是湿婆与蒂鲁纳曼的合影,位于泰米尔纳德邦哥印拜陀。它被吉尼斯世界纪录认定为世界上“最大的半身雕塑”
Adiyogi 位于 Isha 瑜伽中心。它的高度为 112 英尺,象征着瑜伽文化中提到的获得 moksha(解脱)的 112 种可能性,也象征着人体系统中的 112 个脉轮。一个名为 Yogeshwar Linga 的林伽被奉献并放置在雕像前。印度旅游部已将这座雕像纳入其官方的不可思议的印度旅游活动。它也是印度总统 Ram Nath Kovind 揭幕的关于瑜伽修行者的湿婆的灯光和音响表演的场地。
Adiyogi 于 2017 年 2 月 24 日由印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪在 Maha Shivaratri 之际揭幕。