点评:It was just average, I wanted it to be amazing but it just wasn't.
- Entry is nice, Marty was informative and happily took our $150 for 2xkids (Discovery experience) Considering now what we got it's very expensive.
- New shark pool is nice however way over the other side of the facility. A LONG walk if your disabled or heavily pregnant like myself. Toilets also too far away. Need to update this to be more user friendly!
We went to the shark talk but couldn't understand anything as the speakers were attached to the roof pointing towards the ground. My kids did feed one shark but that was it.
- The ray pool was slightly better and staff member Zuzu was fun! The rays were friendly and the kids did get to feed several so that was a highlight. The ray talk was informative.
All in all it was just ok, I gave one point because it didn't smell and also the Taco van out the front was amazing!
- 入口很不错,Marty 很有见识,很高兴收下我们为 2 个孩子支付的 150 美元(探索体验)考虑到我们现在得到的东西,它非常昂贵。
- 新的鲨鱼池很不错,但位于设施的另一侧。如果你像我一样是残疾人或怀孕晚期,需要走很长一段路。厕所也太远了。需要更新它以使其更加用户友好!
- 鳐鱼池稍好一些,工作人员 Zuzu 很有趣!鳐鱼很友好,孩子们确实喂了几条,所以这是一个亮点。鳐鱼讲座很有见识。
总的来说,它只是一般,我给了一分,因为它没有异味,而且前面的 Taco 面包车也很棒!