点评:This is a really unique and amazing history, culture, and archeological site. I'll focus my review on really important practical tips.
Plan on it taking at least an entire day
It definitely takes an entire day at least, and even with that you probably won't be able to see everything. It's so remote that it's about 2 hours from anywhere you would probably stay the night before. If you really wanted to see all the sites and walk all the trails, you would need to camp here or come on two consecutive days. But unless you're really into the history you don't need to see it all.
You can get there in a regular car
As others have said, the last hour in and out of the park is on a gravel road. The first half of the gravel road seems pretty bumpy, but then the second half is even worse. However, it can be done. I was worried that we'd need 4 wheel drive, but we made it in our rented Toyota Camry from Enterprise. I was worried that we'd damage the car, get a flat tire, or break down. But no problems. No damage and no extra charges from Enterprise. We just had to go about 5 - 15 miles an hour at different points on the road.
Check the weather beforehand to avoid rained out roads
If it has rained recently or will rain while you're there, don't go unless you have a serious 4 wheel drive off-road vehicle. Luckily, it doesn't rain often in this area of New Mexico.
Bring food
The park has no food at all, and you can't really leave easily to get food. And you'll be there all day. We brought snacks. There is a Sinclair gas station right near the turn off to the park. So, you could get food and drinks there, if needed. The park does have good water with a drinking fountain with a water bottle refill station.
Decide which trails you want to do
If you are only going to be there for the day, choose which trails you want to do, based on which sites you want to see. If you can't decide, ask the rangers which ones they recommend visiting. I asked them which two they would recommend for us since we only had time for two of them. They recommended Pueblo Bonito (the most complete and most visited site) and Casa Rinconada (because it is so different from the other sites).
Buy the trail maps for the trails you want to do
In the visitor's center they sell trail maps for each trail for about $2 - 4 each. They're definitely worth it. If you don't want to buy them all, just buy two or three of them for the top two or three trails you want to do. They have numbered stops at various points on the trail and have information and illustrations about each stop. You learn so much more about what you're looking at. And it's just the right amount of information - not too much, not too little. Without these guides, you don't learn much about the sites. The standard park map you get gives a summary of each site and trail, but not much else. Each trail has one informational sign at the start of the trail, but without the trail guides you'll just be looking at the ruins and wondering what you're looking at. After a while, they all kind of look them same, if you don't know what you're looking at.
Watch the film in the visitor's center first
The film is a pretty good intro to the site. There are also some exhibits, but for some reason a lot of the items have been removed from the museum. However, the museum is worth a short visit. The gift shop has some pretty good items also.
这肯定至少需要一整天时间,即使这样,您可能也无法看到所有的东西。它非常偏远,距离您前一天晚上可能住的地方大约 2 小时车程。如果您真的想看完所有景点并走完所有小径,您需要在这里露营或连续两天来。但除非您真的对历史感兴趣,否则您不需要看完所有景点。
正如其他人所说,进出公园的最后一个小时是在碎石路上。碎石路的前半段似乎很颠簸,但后半段甚至更糟。但是,这是可以做到的。我担心我们需要四轮驱动,但我们开着从 Enterprise 租来的丰田凯美瑞到达了那里。我担心我们会损坏汽车、爆胎或抛锚。但没问题。没有损坏,Enterprise 也没有额外收费。我们只需要在路上的不同点以每小时 5 到 15 英里的速度行驶即可。
公园里根本没有食物,你真的不能轻易离开去买食物。而且你会在那里呆一整天。我们带了零食。在公园的岔路口附近有一个 Sinclair 加油站。所以,如果需要的话,你可以在那里买食物和饮料。公园里有优质的水,还有饮水机和水瓶补给站。
如果你只打算在那里呆一天,那么根据你想看的景点来选择你想走哪条路。如果您无法决定,请询问护林员他们推荐参观哪些地方。我问他们推荐哪两个地方给我们,因为我们只有时间参观其中两个。他们推荐了 Pueblo Bonito(最完整、访问量最大的景点)和 Casa Rinconada(因为它与其他景点截然不同)。
在游客中心,他们以每条路线约 2-4 美元的价格出售路线图。它们绝对值得。如果您不想全部购买,只需为您想要游览的前两三条路线购买两三张。它们在路线的各个点都有编号的站点,并提供有关每个站点的信息和插图。您可以更深入地了解您正在查看的内容。而且信息量恰到好处 - 不多也不少。没有这些指南,您就无法了解很多有关这些景点的信息。您获得的标准公园地图提供了每个景点和路线的摘要,但没有太多其他信息。每条小径的起点处都有一个信息标志,但如果没有小径指南,您只会看着废墟并想知道自己在看什么。过了一会儿,如果您不知道自己在看什么,它们看起来都差不多。