点评:Luxury resort with spa priced above average.
Unfortunately there has certainly been a deterioration in service since our last stay. This is especially noticeable in the restaurant. It takes a long time before anyone notices you. Even the food offer was worse. The room was clean, the staff was nice. The major negatives are in the sauna world. In the winter months there is a lack of resting places. Sauna rules are posted everywhere, but few people keep them up and above all no one patrols them. So sauna-keeping is not hygienic. People go outside barefoot and then sit in the sauna without a towel. Or even lying on a whole bench without a towel. But what is completely wrong is the use of mobile phones in the intimate area. I don't think anyone wants to be naked on Facebook as part of someone else's selfie. Clearly thumbs down here. That would be completely unacceptable in Austria. I don't think we're going back there.
Perfect thai massage.
不幸的是,自我们上次入住以来,服务确实有所恶化。这在餐厅尤其明显。需要很长时间才会有人注意到你。甚至食物供应也更差。房间很干净,工作人员很好。主要的缺点是在桑拿世界。在冬季,缺乏休息的地方。桑拿规定随处可见,但很少有人遵守,最重要的是没有人巡逻。所以蒸桑拿是不卫生的。人们赤脚走出去,然后不带毛巾就坐在桑拿房里。或者甚至不带毛巾躺在一整张长凳上。但完全错误的是在私密区域使用手机。我认为没有人愿意在 Facebook 上裸体作为别人自拍的一部分。显然这里大拇指朝下。这在奥地利是完全不可接受的。我不认为我们会回到那里。