点评:My wife gifted me a surprise two day blacksmithing experience with ferric fusion, the only hint of interest I'd ever expressed in blacksmithing was a couple of comments regarding a blacksmithing chapter in a fictional book series (wheel of time) which hinted at some interesting elements. I've never been a handy person around the house, I can wire a plug and paint a wall, perhaps hang the odd picture frame, and I've never been one for manual labour (I work at a desk tapping away at a keyboard) and so I was feeling more than a little nervous when I set off for the first morning of this two day course. It wasn't long before I met Aaron and was out at ease. Within 5 minutes of him greeting me outside my car door I felt reassured, this may have been helped by the other attendees cancelling due to stormy weather and travelling conditions leaving me with a fortuitous 1 to 1 learning experience. Over the course of the two days Aaron would share a wealth of his knowledge and experience, teaching me a range of skills ranging from making pointed ends to scroll work, twisted metals and custom items.
Whether or not you have ever considered blacksmithing this experience is fantastic and something completely out of the ordinary and I can't recommend it enough, I will be booking on for a further course as soon as possible.
Thank you Aaron for your patience and help in creating some iron work pieces that now sit proudly on my living room mantle.
Attached to this review are 4 photos, a fire poker, coat hooks, a custom ornament and a photo of a gas forge.
翻译:我的妻子给了我一个惊喜的为期两天的铁融合铁匠体验,我对铁匠表达过的唯一兴趣是关于虚构书籍系列(时间之轮)中的铁匠章节的一些评论,其中暗示了一些有趣的内容元素。我从来都不是一个能干家务的人,我可以接线、粉刷墙壁,也许还可以挂奇怪的相框,而且我从来都不是一个体力劳动者(我在办公桌前敲击键盘) )因此,当我出发参加为期两天的课程的第一天早上时,我感到有点紧张。没过多久,我就遇到了亚伦,并且轻松地出去了。他在车门外向我打招呼后不到 5 分钟,我就感到放心了,这可能是因为其他与会者因暴风雨天气和旅行条件而取消,让我获得了一次偶然的一对一学习体验。在这两天的时间里,亚伦会分享他丰富的知识和经验,教我一系列技能,从制作尖头到卷轴工作、扭曲金属和定制物品。
这篇评论附有 4 张照片、一把火拨火棍、衣帽钩、一件定制装饰品和一张煤气锻造炉的照片。