点评:Had a bad experience while walking, with two older cyclists (a woman and a man) who were old enough to know better. These are the rules they broke: 1) Yield to pedestrians – pedestrians always have the right-of-way. 2) Keep right and pass on the left – the trail is like a roadway. The woman called my wife and young son "f---ing idiots" for not moving out of their way fast enough. This happened around 3:30 pm on the section between the high school and Laura's Park, Oct. 28, 2024.
After having many good experiences on the Greenbelt, I have to say the experience is getting worse due to people like this. The belt will not even be green very soon, as the Planning Commission and City Council just facilitate real estate development next to it whenever possible. Forests are being chopped down in multiple places--just look at the section near the Dept. of Driver Services (MVD/DMV) on Old Newnan Rd. for a scene of devastation.
翻译:步行时遇到了一次糟糕的经历,当时有两个年纪较大的骑车人(一个女人和一个男人)年纪足够大,应该懂得更多。他们违反了以下规则:1) 给行人让路——行人始终拥有优先通行权。2) 靠右行驶并从左侧通过——这条小路就像一条公路。那位女士骂我的妻子和年幼的儿子是“该死的白痴”,因为他们没有足够快地让路。这件事发生在 2024 年 10 月 28 日下午 3:30 左右,地点在高中和劳拉公园之间的路段。
在绿化带上有过许多美好的经历后,我不得不说,由于这样的人,这种经历变得越来越糟糕。这条绿化带甚至不会很快变绿,因为规划委员会和市议会只是尽可能地促进旁边的房地产开发。多处森林被砍伐——只要看看老纽南路驾驶员服务部 (MVD/DMV) 附近的路段,就能看到一片狼藉的景象。