点评:This was a beautiful visit! Such brilliant work by the artisans who create such beautiful things.
We also got to know the difference between the original blue pottery and the duplicate ones which we get everywhere nowadays. Anil Doraya Sir is such a talented yet a humble and a kind man, he explained to us the history of blue pottery and the entire process of how it's done. When me and my Mother had watched a video of Sherezade Shroff from the Gotta Shop India Series few years back, we wanted to visit this place since then, we also wanted to attend their workshop and learn the art but we had short amount of time on this trip but next time we are definitely going to put it on our list for the next time we visit Jaipur. On behalf of Anil Sir I urge everyone who is interested in art or learning art, to come check out their centre, the art, and attend the workshop here whenever you visit. I look forward for when I get to do it the next time I'm here. A must visit place if you come to Jaipur!!!
我们还了解了原始蓝陶和如今随处可见的复制品之间的区别。Anil Doraya 先生是一位才华横溢、谦逊善良的人,他向我们解释了蓝陶的历史和制作蓝陶的整个过程。几年前,我和母亲看了 Gotta Shop India 系列中 Sherezade Shroff 的视频,从那时起我们就想来这里参观,我们也想参加他们的工作坊并学习艺术,但这次旅行我们时间不多,但下次我们一定会把它列入下次访问斋浦尔的清单。我代表 Anil 先生敦促所有对艺术感兴趣或学习艺术的人,无论何时来这里,都来看看他们的中心、艺术,并参加这里的工作坊。我期待着下次来这里的时候能有机会这样做。如果你来斋浦尔,这里是必去之地!!!