点评:My parents bought this experiences for my son's 18th Birthday. The event took place at Tockwith, York on the 7th Dec, however the event should have been postponed due to the weather conditions, I checked in the run up to the day and on the day if the event would go ahead as there were yellow weather warnings and many sporting and other events were cancelled due to the weather warning. The weather conditions at the track were awful ( driving rain and wind / yellow weather warning) which made the experience less than ideal. I had been advised that the track is checked and if it's safe to go ahead then that's what would happen
My mum and I witnessed a crash only meters from where we were walking (from the main holding area to the cafe) as the high speed drive car ( hot drive), driven by one of your pro drivers , lost control of the vehicle and smashed through the barriers towards us. The car skidded on the very wet surface and the driver couldn't make the corner.
I was surprised that the track was not closed at that point so that the break in the safety barriers could be repaired , but instead cars continued to race round the track with the gap in the safety barriers. I was also concerned that the high speed drive experience continued with the remaining car , given the professional driver of the crash car had spun out control due to the severe weather conditions on the road.
Having witnessed the crash, and for concerns over safety around the pro drivers ability to control the cars at speed in such severe weather condition, I cancelled the high speed car experience ( much to the huge disappointment of my son ) and received a refund for the additional places we had booked in the car.
I have raised my concerns with you privately, I have emailed on two separate occasions this week and had no reply, which is unusual, as you have been very efficient in replying to emails up until now.
While I appreciate there is always an element of risk with driving experiences I think that the safety of the track was compromised due to the crash/ breach in barrier/ failure to pause the driving until it was mended and that the high speed drive continued in the severe weather conditions.
I have emailed you photos with images of the crash and breach in barriers
My son did enjoy the driving but as a parent , I think that there are issues around safety
- the day should have been cancelled from the outset, due to severe weather conditions
- the cars, driven by customers continued to drive on a track with a breach in the safety barriers
- the hot drive / pro driver high speed experience continued after a pro driver lost control of the car/ crashed with passengers into the barriers
Is it standard protocol for the above incidents to occur and no action is taken ?
翻译:我父母为我儿子 18 岁生日购买了这项体验。活动于 12 月 7 日在约克的托克维斯举行,但由于天气原因,活动本应推迟,我在活动前和当天检查了活动是否会继续进行,因为当时有黄色天气警告,许多体育和其他活动因天气警告而取消。赛道上的天气状况非常糟糕(暴雨和大风/黄色天气警告),这让体验不太理想。我被告知赛道已经检查过,如果可以安全继续前进,那么就会发生这种情况
- 由于恶劣的天气条件,这一天应该从一开始就取消
- 由客户驾驶的汽车继续在安全护栏破裂的赛道上行驶
- 在专业车手失去对汽车的控制/载着乘客撞上护栏后,热辣驾驶/专业车手高速体验仍在继续