pick-up left unattended with the engine idling right in front of the entrance
Cabinovia Pejo-Tarlenta的点评
点评:surprised to have found myself in a bubble of unburned diesel at an altitude of 2000m in front of the entrance turnstiles of the 'Pejo Fonti - Tarlenta' cable car where a pick-up had been left unattended with the engine idling right in front of the entrance.
in addition to being illegal to leave the car parked with the engine running 'articolo 157 del codice della Strada' (Italian and EU law) and without going into the merits of the state of maintenance of the vehicle, this is in clear contradiction with the slogan: 'Respira sei in Trentino' = 'Breathe, you are in Trentino' used to promote tourism in the region.
I had to hold my breath until I jumped into the cabin in order not to breathe the venom gas which can be felt beyond measure at an altitude of 2000m.
the event took place on 08/28/2023 at approximately 09:00 in the morning.
please kindly pay more attention to be compliant with the rules and the health of tourists so to avoid similar slip-ups. thanks for your attention, filippo
翻译:惊讶地发现自己处于“Pejo Fonti - Tarlenta”缆车入口旋转门前海拔 2000 米处未燃烧的柴油气泡中,其中一辆皮卡车无人看管,发动机就在缆车前方空转。入口。
除了在发动机运行“Articolo 157 del codice della Strada”(意大利和欧盟法律)的情况下停放车辆且不考虑车辆维护状态的优点之外,这显然与口号:“Respira sei in Trentino”=“呼吸,你在特伦蒂诺”用于促进该地区的旅游业。
该活动于 2023 年 8 月 28 日上午 09:00 左右举行。