点评:Our tour began with visiting the beautiful Glens of Antrim and ended with crossing the Carrick -a - Rede bridge. Flip was a skillful driver as he navigated the narrowest of country lanes in the Glens. These little roads offer breathtaking coastal views and wide vistas of patchwork fields of green. There was the occasional challenge and delight of meeting up with meandering livestock on these lanes. Flip also showed us some hidden gems along the coast that made for impressive photo opportunities. He was a delightful low key guide with a wealth of knowledge. He could answer all of our questions regarding the area's history, geography and geology. Flip has a pleasant demeanor and a good sense of humor. I highly recommend booking a tour with Giant Tours. Nothing seemed canned or scripted. It was a new discovery around every bend in the road and Flip seemed as enthusiastic as we were experiencing the magic of the Antrim coast.
翻译:我们的旅程从参观美丽的安特里姆峡谷开始,以穿越卡里克索桥结束。弗利普是一位技术娴熟的司机,他驾驶着车在峡谷最窄的乡间小路上行驶。这些小路提供了令人惊叹的海岸景色和广阔的绿色田野。在这些小路上,偶尔遇到蜿蜒的牲畜既是一种挑战,也是一种乐趣。弗利普还向我们展示了一些沿海的隐藏宝石,这些宝石可以拍出令人印象深刻的照片。他是一位知识渊博、令人愉快的低调导游。他可以回答我们关于该地区历史、地理和地质的所有问题。弗利普举止优雅,幽默感十足。我强烈建议预订 Giant Tours 的旅游。似乎没有什么是预先安排好的。道路的每一个拐弯处都有新的发现,弗利普似乎和我们一样热情洋溢地体验着安特里姆海岸的魔力。