点评:This use to be the loveliest bike ride all the way from Midway to Penticton. We rode it many times with fully loaded touring bikes and camped along the way with our boys and various Scout groups. It was a ride for all ages. Unfortunately the trail has been opened up to ATVs which have chewed up the base so that most of e route is either nasty washboard track or else is extremely loose sand/gravel - like riding on marbles. By the end of the ride we were all suffering such bad hand arm vibration syndrome it took weeks to recover. One rider could not even shuffle a deck of cards for a month. So do not ride any sections other than the section from the Myra Canyon to Penticton unless you are dayriding or travelling light and are on a full suspension bike. The Myra Canyon is still fabulous and it and the section to Penticton are still ATV free. The rest is a disaster and I encourage you all to write the provincial government for allowing this to happen. It is a sad end to what was once a jewel on the Trans Canada Trail.
翻译:这曾经是从中途岛到彭蒂克顿的最可爱的自行车之旅。我们骑着满载的旅行自行车多次骑行,并与我们的男孩和各种童子军团体沿途露营。这是一个适合所有年龄段的旅程。不幸的是,这条小径已经向全地形车开放,这些全地形车已经咬坏了底座,所以大部分的电子路线要么是肮脏的洗衣板轨道,要么是极其松散的沙子/砾石 - 就像骑在大理石上一样。骑行结束时,我们都患有严重的手臂振动综合症,需要数周才能恢复。一个骑手一个月甚至不能洗一副纸牌。因此,除了从迈拉峡谷 (Myra Canyon) 到彭蒂克顿 (Penticton) 的路段之外,请勿骑行任何路段,除非您是一日游或轻装旅行,并且骑的是全避震自行车。迈拉峡谷仍然很棒,它和彭蒂克顿的路段仍然是免费的。剩下的就是一场灾难,我鼓励大家写信给省政府允许这种情况发生。曾经是 Trans Canada Trail 上的一颗明珠,这是一个悲伤的结局。