A Native America history buffs must do experience. Read everything.
Indian Temple Mound and Museum的点评
点评:If you are interested in Native American history this is the best museum I have ever found. The staff have spent an incredible amount of time writing up details of every era as civilization expanded. It was a tremendous experience. They were spot on not just about the history of Native American's but also about the pros and cons of associating in larger and larger social structures. It really explains how we, as a large "progressive" society, have gotten to the strengths and weaknesses that we currently enjoy/struggle with and is an eye-opening revelation about what we need to change in our own little circles to move away from the modern struggles we face today.
The pottery collection was fascinating. I didn't realize how close many of their designs were to Asian art drawings. Curious. I am from Tennessee and never realized that our clay (that I curse when I try to plant anything) made Tennessee Native peoples the pottery makers of the US. Much of the pottery on display came from the TN tribes as trade. I think I spend 2-3 hours and bought 5 copies of their fantastic book about native foods and medicine that is the best I have ever found for retaining and sharing this ancient knowledge that is nearly lost. I am an herbalist and all my friends have treasured this book. Makes a wonderful gift for all your holistic medicine or homesteading type friends. Enjoy. It is a small museum but powerful experience if you start at the beginning and go slow as you read and contemplate. How this knowledge can enhance and guide your understanding of culture/society.
陶器收藏令人着迷。我没有意识到他们的许多设计与亚洲艺术绘画有多接近。好奇的。我来自田纳西州,从来没有意识到我们的粘土(当我尝试种植任何东西时我会咒骂它)使田纳西州原住民成为美国的陶器制造者。展出的大部分陶器来自田纳西州部落作为贸易品。我想我花了 2-3 个小时买了 5 本关于本土食品和药物的精彩书籍,这是我所找到的最好的保留和分享这种几乎失传的古老知识的书。我是一名草药师,我所有的朋友都珍惜这本书。是送给所有整体医学或居家型朋友的精美礼物。享受。这是一个小博物馆,但如果您从头开始并慢慢阅读和思考,那么您会获得强大的体验。这些知识如何增强和指导您对文化/社会的理解。